The Yogurt That Murdered My Appetite
Yesterday night:I sat through two agonising hours watching Kull The Conqueror just to see Karina Lombard as Zareta on the movie. It's a bad B grade film that I could barely sit still and watch but...Karina is in it! OMG! The minute I heard her speak, I was getting on the floor and worshipping that deep sultry voice ^__^ So so sexy. Who pays attention to that Kevin Sorbo who played the lead character? Hehehe. His character needs to put some cloth on. His hairy chest is so unsexy. Yuck >__<
This morning was pretty hectic. I stood from 7.30am to 12pm selling orange cordials and lemonade. Actually...more like rushing in and out of the kitchen to get more ice cubes and filling them in the cups. My school had a co-curriculum cum canteen day. It's rather time wasting in my opinion. I would rather be at home watching old Walt Disney cartoon on Saturday morning. But what can you do when the school makes it a compulsary school day and cleverly disguises their agenda to make money from us fellow students (all the profits from our sales go to the school). So, the poor prefects and presidents of class were given duty to set up stalls. Initially my friend and I were the ones taking care of that stall. Then suddenly, these two bitchy prefects took over our job and started giving us commands on what to do. I ended up putting ice cubes into cups ^__o and my friend, handling the money. I don't know why the fuck they just came and took over. I'm guessing that they didn't want to look stupid standing at their stall which has zero business and thus, leaving their stall for somebody else to handle. Hehe. At least my job became much easier. During the break, they had to receive like 10 orders per second and kept filling and filling those tasteless drinks into cups. Harhar :P Another thing they did which I feel is very incosiderate for students and teachers who bought drinks from our stall. They didn't care about the proportion of cordial, syrup and water to add. They simply pour in as much as they like and serve it to people. Peope are paying 50¢ for a cup and they shouldn't get something that animals lap.
The stall beside us was selling waffle and toast. Gosh...the aroma...makes me hungrier every second. I couldn't get the waffle so I bought the ice-cream toast instead. What a blast! It tastes so good. They spread ice-cream on top of a piece of hot toast. Cold at the top, hot at the bottom. Lalala...cold in the street, hot in the sheet. Teeheehee X__x After that, the girls at the smoothie stall were trying to make other flavours of smoothie because they ran out of watermelon for their watermelon smoothie. I volunteered to be the guinea pig and took a sip. Eeeek! It was so sour...I choked. When the break was over, I went to explore other stalls. This stall that was selling fried food and fritters was about to close. I bought 2 pieces of the leftover burgers (without the bun) for 50¢. So cheap! It was supposed to cost $1 but I pointed 1 with my finger, indicating 1 piece but she thought I wanted a dollar of that. So, I paid 50¢ and she was like, eh? aii...nevermind. Yay! ^__^ Next time, just use your fingers. I went back to my stall...saw a container of leftover yogurt and my friend said, go finish it. I ate some and it was so sour! Just like that smoothie. I figure that the yogurt had gone bad. The texture had gone wrong too. It looks like there are small broken pieces of tofu in it. Then, inside my stomach started to do acrobatic moves. Woowee... o__O
I can't believe that my "secretary" friend went home right after the attendance was taken. For days she had been whining to me about how much work she has to handle on this co-curriculum day. Something about taking down the details of all the new members and writing report and setting up the exhibitions. But she was gone before 9. What the hell. It's unfair. Attendance should be taken again before everyone is allowed to go back.
I'm stuck at 48.8% T__T The site is down for exceeding bandwidth so I can't continue my download of the S2 sneak peek. Ahh...I need my daily dose of L Word.