Photography Hindrance
I just feel like kicking myself for being so self conscious whenever I lug a huge analog camera along. Yesterday I was trying to capture a bald tree (an old tree trunk with plenty of branches without the leaves). However, the whole time I was there, I couldn't help noticing a lady bringing her dog for a walk, a couple strolling by, an old lady with an umbralla, cars passing by and the daily activities in a residential area o.o Hmmphh. I care too much of what people would think of my grandpa's antique camera and of what I was doing, facing a camera towards an ugly scenery (though balding trees don't appear ugly to me). Soon after, somebody started an open burning and covered my subject in smoke -_- Well, anyway. At least today, I compensated for my dissapointment the day before. parents brought us to a Thai restaurant at Genting Hill. The scenery was spectacular. We sat in a viewing tower type of hut, overlooking the paddy field. I get to take about 10 pictures today and the varying lighting conditions allowed me to tweak the settings on the SLR. Overall, it was fun although the food tastes like crap. I don't think I would like to return there for a second time. All I can say is that the food comes in small portions (we ordered medium size) and the dishes are not all that tasty (doesn't make you exclaim "Wow!"). Not forgetting to mention exorbitantly priced for such quality.I got a 36 shots film loaded into the camera and it's taking forever to finish the roll! I really need a DSLR as replacement for the 35mm. Not that I think digital is better but more to the reason that I'm still an amateur. I'm just so afraid of the photos coming out all wrong while I have to pay over $10 to process the film. I'm contempleting whether to buy a used Canon EOS 300D or sit patiently until the price drop once the 350D is widely available. But then again, there's the Nikon D70 to consider. And my parents are at full force against me buying an expensive camera. And I don't have any money :)