The Unexplained
Perhaps it's paranoia. But it's too hard for me to pass it as pure coincidence. Lately, when I hoped for something to happen, it did, on several occasions. Right at the moment when I'm on the lookout for a dSLR, The Star In.Tech today dedicated the centrefold to the top four entry-level dSLRs in the market ^_o It's as if to happen at the exact time when I needed it most. It's good to have some guidance and comparisons on which one to purchase.
^_____^ Currently, I'm trying to get hold of some of JB's films in DVD but to no avail. Miraculously, it's going to show on tv! So I will get to see Jennifer Beals in one of her films tomorrow night! Teeheehee. JB JB JB JB =D~ qrujhifio Oooh I don't have a damn recorder!!! o.O

And then, the CD review column in the paper featured O by Damien Rice. Ever since I downloaded Cannonball and never stop listening to it, and hoping that his album will be recognised here, it just happened. Same goes for Jeff Buckley since I play his version of Hallelujah continuously. Weird things occur sometimes but it seems too frequent for me.
I'm silently hoping that these will become reality too:
1. Leisha Hailey's Yoplait commercial on tv
2. Kinnie Starr's albums to be available here
3. The Murmurs' albums to be available here
4. Winning the tug-o-war match on Friday
5. Mom and dad pay for the 300D, as occured in my dream
I think the 2nd and 3rd might just happen because I saw a shop which is listed in the newspaper, that do import indie records. Wowie o__^
As if all of the above is not enough, there's another strange coincidence about my undecisiveness embracing Christianity. Umm well, maybe I'll blog about it later. I'm feeling lazy :>