music: ELLEGARDEN - MissingI took a swim yesterday. The weather is awfully hot lately. There was a kid in the kiddy pool and his grandmother was seated nearby, guarding him. Even though he was just playing by himself, he was full of laughter and oblivious to the surrounding. I was once like that. I used to not care about small little things. I used to be not offended easily. I used to have a fun relationship with dad. How I wish to experience that sort of freewheeling spirit again. But everything has changed. I grew up and I need to take responsibility for every action. I get questioned everytime for everything I do. Then, I stopped trying to communicate with adults. They don't see things my way nor do they ever try to understand. Why do they always think that they are right? I am confused. I am easily hurt. This should end now, considering that I'm entering adulthood. Yet, it doesn't. I'm beginning to hate the way the adults treat me. I'm no longer a child. I want to do things my way. But they are constantly there, judging every move and decision I make. Being around friends make me feel so good that I can't wait to leave for university. I can't stand being around my parents anymore. They are only causing me more hurt than giving me love. Why won't they try to understand me instead of continuously comparing and making judgements about me? This transition to adulthood is difficult.

Mwahaahaaa... I found your blog funny little frog. I woke up at some ungodly hour of the morning and it's taken me an hour and half to read your entire blog. Don't worry, I won't haunt you much...
I figured out you're living in KL, Malaysia.
Keep blogging, little frog, *rattle, rattle, ooooooooo, CLUNK, BANG* etc..