Bye Bye 2005
music: Imogen Heap - Just For NowI'm thinking... I'd better blog on the last day of year 2005. Now I'm thinking, what is there to blog about? Life has been pretty neutral since school ended. I hadn't been posting any entries as I had to prepare for examinations. It was shitty. I felt I did badly... I probably am not going to do engineering after all.
I got my mp3 player back from the service centre after it died off suddenly. Technically, it's not my original mp3 player. It's brand new. They had it replaced. Which is good for me because mine was already scratched beyond polishing :) The bad thing is that I had to spend the night downloading thousands of songs back into the player. I'm just happy that I'll be able to listen to my favourite podcasts again. I swear, listening them on the computer is way too weird.
Happy New Year!