music: Franz Ferdinand - Do You Want ToThe previous semester, one week was all I took to revise for my examination. Miraculously, I was placed the 20th position in the entire school, among 100 others. That gave me a whole new confidence to repeat it for my final semester. As a result, I came very close to failing my Algebra. Nevertheless, my other subjects managed some pretty satisfactory scores compared to those who had revised a month earlier. Surprisingly, I also scored the highest in English although I finished and handed the paper in 45 minutes earlier than the rest. I felt like I could be confident enough to do the same for my public examination which is only around the corner. But no. Thanks. The borderline score of Algebra truly spurs me to perform better in the penultimate examination.
Some people couldn't care less about other's choice for a spoiler-free conversation on recently popular shows namely Desperate Housewives, Lost, The Apprentice, The Amazing Race, etc. They would reveal all the spoilers and plots they've gathered from the internet, all the juicy details that are meant to provide suspense as you watch the series. Some has even gone a mile further by purchasing the bootleg DVD box set and start a 5 episodes daily marathon. Then, gleefully and boastfully, they blurt everything out sparing nothing.
Hey, where's the fun now?
Finally, my slr is fixed. But not entirely, because the metering system is completely a goner. I didn't want to leave the camera there for another month. So, I payed $110 and took it. It's a rip off, charging me that amount for a substandard service. It wasn't much better than before. The lens mount is repaired, which my initial problem was. However, I expect the camera to be fixed and returned to me in its original state with everything else functioning properly. He's just so fucking hard headed and wouldn't listen to my explanation. He really gets on my nerve and I'd rather have it back. Oh, and he has a tendency to underestimate his clients' intelligence. I asked of the Dynax 5D and got a reasonable price quote of $3100 that comes with a 18-200mm zoom lens. But I wanted to know if the price could be reduced further if I had wanted the 18-70mm kit lens instead. His reply which didn't answer my enquiry was, "The lens with longer focal range is better. You see, digital camera multiplies the focal length. 18mm becomes 27mm and 200mm becomes 300mm". Yeah dude. I know that. Maybe you should be aware of a new breed of intelligent consumers who do research before buying. Just because I'm 19 and a female doesn't make me less knowledgeble in this area. What a fucking air head old man.
Oh yeah, skip fucking school today because many are doing the same and there's a certain fucking face I don't wanna see.