Left The Camera In A Foreign Place
music: Gwen Stefani - CoolI intended to blog yesterday but I was left with no time after attending an insanely long 5 hours Chemistry class. I came home and there was a movie on tv by Showtime *winks* *winks* Yes, upon seeing the familar animation of the logo, I remisnice the times when I had to watch The L Word secretly ;) Anyway, the show revolves around a Jewish doctor who was brought on to the Auschwitz concentration camp where she volunteered to be a geneacologist at the camp to help her own people. It was a fantastic movie that truly stirs my emotion and Christine Lahti (I remember her in Chicago Hope) played her character very well.
Anyhow, the day before... I went to the camera shop in town after telling mom that I'm going to a stationary store. The old man who worked there was unfriendly and unhelpful. I said that I have a camera that needed to be repaired but he just walked off when his dealer came in. He proceeded to a friendly chit chat with him. Then, I had to tell a lady there about my camera. Eventually, she asked that rude old man to take a look at my camera because he's responsible for servicing. I told him that the lens mount is broken and the metering system is not functional due to a problem with the av string INSIDE the camera. INSIDE dammit. Can't be seen, can't be detected unless you test it. After reiterating that, he tested by viewing through the viewfinder with the lens cap still on! Wow... It's really time for him to retire considering his deteriorating state of mentality. He wrote a receipt for me. I looked at what he wrote at the instructions part and it says: "View finder losse, lens mount losse..." Uhh? I am speechless. I'm glad that he's sending the camera to a technician to take a look at.. not himself.
The Konica Minolta Maxxum 5D looks promising. Great features for a retail price of USD$799. I cannot be sure if that includes a lens. It was recently announced sometime in July and I don't think it's widely available yet. My grandfather's film slr is a Minolta as well. Owning another Minolta probably gives a sense of tradition. However, the cons of owning a system other than Canon or Nikon may be the lack of accessories in the market. When you are extremely tight on budget and will still be for the next 4 years to come (being a student), extensive research is a must to reap the most value out of what you spend for.