Get Me Out of Here
My fucking classmates are putting me through a hard time. As the class president, I am responsible for everything concerning the class. I get called whenever the condition of the class is not satisfactory. I wish my classmates could just be a little bit considerate about me and this mess I have to face everytime they cause trouble. It is so fucking impossable to get their cooperation. The class is frequently out of control because there is this group of rebellious classmates who don't care about rules and don't give a fuck to my orders. One of them is a school prefect for goodness sake. If she behaves that way, what more could I do. I'm sick of how they always mock and tease me about being so naive and obedient. Fuck them. If I don't carry myself well, how am I supposed to run my responsibility as the class president. School rules are meant to be followed. Stop breaking the school rules and don't fucking go on causing so much unnessary troubles which eventually I am the one to be blamed. What really irks me is that person carrying the title "School Prefect" who makes the most noise daily and goes around creating controversy. Mother F**kers
Wondered if you trade links?
Hey, saw your site.