Survived Mid Term Phobia
I've received the marks for my mid term papers >_< They're pretty unconvincing to me in the beginning, because it seems impossible to obtain marks in the 60-70 range when I barely studied at all. I crammed everything for Physics, Chemistry and Maths in a week of school break. I didn't practice or try doing the exercises. I only started reading for General Paper a day before O_o Yet to be sparred from failing is a great blessing. My classmates who had started revising earlier only managed to garner about the same marks as I do. So, why fret over studying for your exam? Throw away the anxiety of sitting for exam and start playing :) There is no reason to stress yourself out or pull the fun out of your life.I can't believe that I have to start looking for a pair of lady sandals today. Gurrrghh.. yuck! I'll bet I look hideous regardless of how fabulous the sandals is.
Lately we get to play Scrabble in English class ^___^ It was weird because there were times where I could form the words lesbian and bisexual if only 2 more suitable letters were available and once I had all GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transexual) alphabets. Wooweee.. :P Today I placed the word sex. Heh.. I'm a dirty Scrabble player o_^