Ep 209
I'm dying to watch the episode 9 clips of Tibette ^.^ Awwww...they are so sweet together. I've been deprived of Tibette loving for far too long! Gimme some of those hot steamy tongue swirling *ahem* love making :> Tomorrow, most probably I will stare at my watch from 7.40am and count down to the end of school. Perhaps..replay a couple of happy Tibette moments in my head when the dear teachers are dy/dx-ing and scribbling equations in front. Akekekeke :] Then, I will make a dash home, turn on the computer, click on The Planet Cafe bookmark and hit the goddamn download button. I c a n't w a i t ^_______^For the past 8 episodes, I switched to keeping up on the progress of Alice/Dana's relationship while Tina is flirting away with Helena. Not to say that Al/Dan's relationship is not as good compared to Tibette's, but their scenes don't make me go... awwww. I felt that their interactions are not as tender and loving as Tina and Bette's. Nevertheless, I can't agree more that they do make a great couple. They are simply hilarious and cute together.
It was fun skipping school today. Free of obligations and responsiblity. Went to the clinic to obtain an MC. I was only slightly feverish, nothing major. Though I wished I was down with the avian flu or something much more serious. Actually, right now, I'd like to take back what I've wished because I have to see that Tibette clips tomorrow! o_^