music: Postal Service - District Sleeps Alone TonightOur English exam paper was returned today. For such an inmature, content lacking piece of writing scribbled in within 45 minutes with non-bombastic choice of words to be graded absurdly high marks is not sensical to me. My friend read my script and questioned the quality of my essay. I'd rather not want to be the one obtaining the highest mark and becoming the subject for comparison. Some expressed that their scripts should have better grade than mine. Perhaps our teacher is practicing favouritism. I don't mind getting a zero if I knew it was going to cause conflicts u_u
The sky is not being thrifty with the rain afterall :) Approximately 3 months without a drop of rain..finally we are granted with rain that normally pours in the evening or night. The sky is clear blue and dotted with puffy clouds. I don't remember the last time the air has been not hazy.