Happiness Is In The Air When Exam Is Over
music: t.A.T.u. & Rammstein - Odno I To Zhe (Long Repeat Mix)Ahh, exam shhhuccckkks! Especially when I do last minute preparation. o_^ Burning the midnight oil until 1am, getting panic by 1.30am and leaving the rest to luck the next day. Screw Chemistry. I blew it. It was the last paper and I gave up mid way. Then, I think about the PC Fair this weekend, my outing to shoot some pictures and the coding to do for a photoblog. I love weekends! *hearts flies about in the air* ^___^
Another earthquake in Acheh in less than 4 months. I felt the aftershock at about 12am when I was trying in vain to absorb everything possible for my exam. When it happened, I didn't know if it was an earthquake, a hallucination or a way of my body retaliating for sitting on a stool that barely fits my ass for over 5 hours. I felt nothing when I was standing up. On the other hand, if I was sitting down, there's a slight relative motion between my butt and the stool :) I'm not sure if I should continue with my plan to take photos along the coastal road ?:/
I need to buy the More Adventurous album by Rilo Kiley and Hot Fuss by The Killers. Love their songs to bits ^___^ It may be harder to find the one by Rilo Kiley though. I heard Portions For Foxes in a fan made video of Shane and Marina. It's happy and pop-ish but I would say it's the lead vocalist's voice that attracted me :) I'm gonna download their earlier album.