Run (Speed of Light)
music: Coldplay - Speed of SoundI'm pretty much ready for the "cross-country run" tomorrow. It is a school level, inter-house team competiton and literally, should be called cross-roads run. We'll start from the school compound and run a huge around on the pedestrian walk back to school. Undoubtedly, we are all gonna appear silly in front of the motorists ¬_¬ I've been trying to improve my stamina for the past 3 weeks by hiking and jogging round the blocks. Hopefully those exercises will pay off or at least do not make me feel lethargic after the run. I may not be able to get into the top 8 finishers after all. I don't think I'm good enough to beat the others, evaluating from the run I did this evening. I couldn't run without stopping to a stroll. In addition to that, I'm PMS-ing and my lower abdomen hurts when I do vigorous exercises. Damn you stinky menstrual cycle! Nonetheless, I'm putting in 100% for the run.
I kept thinking back to the pictures I took at the Floral Festival. I can't accept the fact that the negatives were gonner before I could even send them for processing. It's really sad to see your effort being washed down the drain. I experimented a little by including human elements into the photos, especially elderly people and children. Something which I've never tried due to my lack of confidence when dealing with people. I think the one with two children playing at the gazebo decorated with lanterns made of recycled items would have turn out wonderful. It's really heart wrenching that the camera is also broken now. I don't what I should do because I borrow it from my grandpa. He had it with him for 40 years and was kept in good condition, but when it reaches my hand, it was broken by the 6th month I had it with me. Anybody would have kill me for being so stupid at handling things. I'm so afraid of telling anyone, including my parents ;( Nobody would believe or understand what happened to the camera.
Guhh, peace out..