Fuck You All
music: cali=gali - ErotopiaI'm fucking pissed today. Everybody seems to treat me like a fool. Just because I don't raise up my voice frequently and I try to stay out of conflict with people doesn't mean that I'm a timid, stupid person you can take advantage of. Fuck all of you! Looking at the pictures I took at Graduation Luncheon angers me further. There are more pictures which has my friend in it than myself. I was being helpful to her because she had forgotten to bring a memory card along. 70% of the pictures that I only wanted to take with my own friends had her in it. I could have told her my intention, but that seemed a little harsh on her because she always treat my friends as hers. I know her and I didn't want to crush her ego. She never once offered to help to take my pictures. On the other hand, I helped her when she needed her pictures taken. So as to not ruin the wonderful afternoon, I didn't go to the extent of arguing with her.
Sometimes when you are being too nice to people and always try to be helpful, people take advantage of that. It's killing me! Why can't a person be nice to me for once? This fucking classmate whom I lended my shirt to for Sports Day mocked me because of a dumb mistake I made. It's humiliating enough and she had to aggravate it further. Fuck you!
Yet I am trying to correct some underexposed pictures of the Luncheon to distribute them to my classmates. Sometimes I wonder why should one even care about others when others never care about you. They never realize that you've helped them and always take you for granted anyway.