Farmer With A Degree?
music: The Duke Spirit - Cuts Across The LandOohlala. Miracle happened twice. Or I'm just lucky. My result was better than I anticipated. It's not a perfect 4.00 but it's good enough for me as I didn't put in much effort. Unless the 2-weeks-before-examination-day frantic preparation for all 4 subjects is counted as effort. I managed a CGPA of 3.50 but it was clearly a dissapointment to my parents. They are not happy about it. Nopers. Hoowell, not that I care. They can bash all they want about my penchant for agricultural courses. I don't see anything wrong with the agricultural sector. It's not a backward step to pursue my studies in this field. Instead of receiving their support, they are looking down on my choice, pushing me to take more sought after engineering courses. Perhaps they never notice that I hate the mainstreams.
I don't understand why people are always undermining agro-based sector. They think that farmers, fishermen, plantation owners and even agro-based professionals are at the bottom half of the society. I'm being told again and again that I will end up jobless or earn very little when I graduate in this field. They say that I will be poor like these farmers. This shows that they exhibit signs of shallow thinking. It isn't all about making money for yourself. It's also about making money for these poor people and the country. Agricultural scientists and engineers step in to improve on crops and poultry production, preparation, preservation, distribution, sustaining food supply etc. This industry is growing. The population is increasing. We need food everyday. So, shut the hell up and do some processing in your brain first.
Mom. Dad. It's true. My first car will be a tractor when I make some money. My first property is a 10 acres land for palm oil plantation. My first significant others is a lesbian cow that will produce milk for me daily.

Ah yes. It's hard to please the parents, isn't it?
3.5 is awesome!
And can I get a ride on your tractor? :)