My First Day At SPCA
music: Antony & The Johnsons - Fistful of Love38 dogs, 20 cats. They are all waiting to be adopted from the SPCA. It makes a big difference when one is adopted. For each cat or dog that is adopted, one is saved from being put to sleep. It's disheartening to hear that they once received 17 puppies and they had no choice but to put half of them to sleep.
I came home today from the SPCA reeking of dog smell. My white shorts had turned into one with brownish paw prints. I looked like I don't shave my legs with so much dog fur sticking there. I immediately ran into the bathroom to clean up before mom saw me. I guess I have to start doing my own laundry from now on :> Initially, I was going to volunteer to help out at the cat shed. But cats are such contented creatures that they told me there's nothing for me to do there. On the other hand, the dogs are an aggresive bunch that I have to keep watch to prevent them from getting into fights. I hope they'll let me take care of cats tomorrow. They look super duper cute with the cat paws printed collar ^.^ I pet them once and they kept coming for more. When I pay too much attention to one cat, the others get jealous and try to snuggle up to me. Lol. Such adorable creatures.. I wanna pinch their cheeks.
So, I'm supposed to be at school tomorrow morning to take my results but I'm afraid of meeting with my classmates who may fare better than me. For sure, my results will be nothing to be proud of. I have no doubt that mom will come along and I just can't stand to be compared by her again. Nah uh. I would rather be at the SPCA. Anyway, I can always get my results in the afternoon. Yeah. I'm such a loser. Bleurhh...

You're such a good citizen. I couldn't stand to work at the dog pound. I'd want to take all of them home with me. It breaks my heart to even set foot in there. Once, I went into a dog pound with one of my room mates and she started bawling uncontrollably. It was horrible. Such a sad place. But you've got guts to volunteer there, good for you!