Saved By Jamie Oliver
music: Goldfrapp - Number 1 (Mum Remix)When I was 14, we had to attend this stupid Living Skills class that make me cook. I fucking hated it because we had to make typical boring dishes that I don't even want to put in my mouth. And I was scolded by the teacher for not following the steps. Yeah.. like it matters whether you put in the salt first or saute the onion first. In the end, all the ingredients are just going to mash up together to form a plate of crap that I force my friends to finish. So, I tried whipping up a dish at home instead but my mother was like the substitute for my teacher. She would constantly be over my shoulder telling me that everything I do is not right. The experience kept me away from the kitchen for a good 5 years. The stove is off limit except to cook those packet of instant noodle during hunger pangs. Until recently, I started watching Jamie Oliver's Naked Chef who proved that cooking need not to be complicated and systematic. It should be fun! That fucking teacher made cooking seemed like solving quantum physics while being forced to listen to the Betty track on repeat. I'm glad I can put the experience behind me now and I actually love cooking. Whenever mom's not at home, leaving me by myself to take care of my lunch or dinner, I would take over the kitchen in no time to try out some self-improvised recipes. I've not attempted any difficult dish by date, but I might be making beef lasagna this weekend if I can get hold of basil leaves and minced beef. These stuff are fucking expensive here, perhaps I have to substitute them with ham and parsley. Cooking is subjective, no equations involved although the teacher sort of left an impression that it has to follow the recipe 100%. I'm particularly interested in Italian dishes at the moment because it appears to be the easiest. As for those Chinese dishes I grew up with, maybe I will try it ten years later. Usually, the amount of ingredients used exceed ten. Sometimes, the list of steps to follow can be as much as two dozens. Turns me off instantly.
This morning, I was spared from church. That means freedom at home and I had to try something crazy with the cheesecake I bought mom for Mother's Day like 5 days late :P I drizzled a teaspoon of Kahlua on one slice and wash it off with a glass of milk with Kahlua. That was my breakfast. Whoot.. what a woozy morning X__x