I've been insomniac for the past few weeks. Once I went to bed at 12.30am and I could only stare at the ceiling before falling asleep at approximately 2.30am. All the time my brain was actively thinking about things that don't even matter, like replaying scenes from my social encounters that day. Anyhow, I'm glad that my brain did not decide to do triple integration while I was giving my 101% energy to sleep. Being sleep deprived when I didn't have a day job is fine as long as I can compensate by waking up at ten the next day. But the problem persisted to this day when I have to wake up at six in the morning to go to work. That leaves me with an average of five hours sleep! I tried drinking a cup of warm milk before going to bed but I only got hyper (probably the condensed milk I added). Feeling rather drowsy at work yesterday, I downed two cups of coffee. The caffeine worked like charm throughout the day but little did I expect, the 4pm cup only started to kick-in at night ¬_¬ Some friends simply recommended sleeping pills but I'm so not taking them at the age of 19. I wish, very much, that I have a second chance to listen to the lectures of my history teacher again. *sigh* ;]I can't believe I'm going to a Disney On Ice show later tonight. Oh, the "I can't believe" should be read in a negative way. I got two free tickets from my godmom. Thank you but I don't think I'm in the position to appreciate this kind of show. Unless they give us something exciting like having Ariel pull off some seductive moves on Cinderella. Or Nemo doing a lap dance on Pinochio. Now, that's hot. Well, actually, I'm so uninterested that I don't even know which Disney characters are making an appearance. If I could trade-in my tickets for a match at the World Cup in Germany, I'd be the first in the line.