In A Tiny Corner of The Earth
I'm such a reserved person and I absolutely hate it. I wish I could easily get rid of this often-misunderstood-as-being-snobbish personality but how the hell do I accomplish that? It's not easy for me to open up to people and start sharing my joy/sadness/dissapointment/anger because as stupid as it sounds, I don't know how. Part of my upbringing might have contributed to that. I find myself hating all social outings I ever attended. Frequently I question myself, why am I so different from everybody else? I wonder which came around first. My constant pursue for interests that are completely diverse from my circle of friends leading me to withdraw further away from them. Or my inability to connect with them in more than one way that eventually edge me to seek such different interests in hope of finding a new bunch of people who can share that common interest. Every day I'm just looking forward to be broken free of this coccoon and go out there to explore the real world I want to see. To finally be able to befriend people who share one common love for something. Then perhaps, hopefully, I could express myself freely without doubting if they will misunderstood me.Have to stop here to catch Sorority Boys. It airs from 12am to 2am. My parents are gonna kill me if I can't get up for church.