Finding Lalaland
music: Regina Spektor - Better*blinks* The watch registers
*sigh* Can't sleep again. Thought about how much the afternoon shift screwed up my biological clock. I reached home at 1.25am, brushed teeth and quickly slipped into pj then jumped into my bed. Fatigue did not set in. Damn.
*grabs watch*
*sigh* Decided to listen to some podcasts while wishing I had some recorded History lectures.
*stares at watch*
Thought about my friend who's probably busting demons in Oblivion IV until wee hours of the morning and I'm fucking busting my ass trying to sleep.
Putting the sleep trouble aside, I would choose working at night over the usual working hours anytime. It was relatively quite in the office. Much better environment for optimum concentration. The street was almost empty at 1am and I can speed home. I don't have to be stuck in traffic at peak hours :) I particularly love the atmosphere and the darkness of the night. Throw on some post-rock songs and a cup of coffee... Speaking of which, I was surprised to find Segafredo to be filled with people. I was so tempted to slide in and order my third cup of coffee for the day. I may just spend 24 hours without closing my eyelids.
7 days left on my contract, 17 days to FIFA World Cup, 20 days to East Coast backpacking trip and 40 days to university life. |