Wow, reunion!
I was sorting through my e-mails from way back, and somehow, lead me back here. Once my teenage ranting and cursing space ;) Of course, I still curse like an old sailor, 5 years later. When I'm extremely pissy or to make a joke out of it. I have a survivable (my English has gone down the drain btw) paying job. It is boring and make my ass fat. But it pays. I've met a loving girlfriend now. We've been together for 1 year and 4 months, figuratively. In reality, it is much less because we are in a long distance relationship. There is a purpose in life now.Life is a passing moment and mundane when I'm not with my girlfriend. I love holding her hands and going for movies whenever we visit each other :)I read back some of my posts and questioned how I became so addicted to The L Word. I did try to follow through until Season 6, but it was so hard after Season 3 with the insane story lines (plural, ask Ilene Chaiken the variation). There was incrementally more choice for lesbian tv when I was in university. I managed to get hold of Los Hombres de Paco, and etc (my memory isn't working too well nowadays @.@ ). Currently I'm catching up with Calzona of Grey's Anatomy. Delicious. Oh, I'm still in the closet. That means I have a secret girlfriend and I'm her secret girlfriend too =D