Batting For Which Team?
music: Kel's Vintage Thought - MagnétophoneI went downtown yesterday in bid to search for an in-ear earphones by Sony. But I was dissapointed to find that the retail stores which I got the address from the Sony website do not carry those models. I ended up going to the nearby mall and walking into a Sony lifestyle store with all these earphones that I wanted :D *shiny eyes blink blink* But then again, I was let down because they only carry the exorbitantly priced models. Same specs but with an additional neck chain to hang your mp3 costs $40 more. Eeek! What?! So, I asked for their phone number and I will call in next week to confirm for the arrival of the model I wanted. IMHO, I don't think that it is wise to hang your mp3 around your neck expecially if you are out in a crowded area. Anybody could just easily snatch it away.
I also had my ears pierced for the first time after 19 years of existence on the face of the earth. I chickened out when I went in. So, I took a stroll and hang around a bit at a bookstore, pretending to be searching for university textbooks. After calming down my nerves, I had it done in 5 minutes :] I didn't know it would be that fast. Ironically, I wasn't afraid at all when I had to extract 4 teeth but this ear-piercing thing almost made me cry.
Ooh.. I felt a pang of jealousy when I saw this couple, one butch and one femme together. The femme is quite pretty and the butch girl, I guess is alright but I've seen cuter ones. It really makes me wonder what do femmes find attractive in a butch? Maybe it's their personality or their confidence of being daring enough to challenge the society's stereotypical image of a woman. Anyhow, the only descriptive word I could use to describe the appearance of butch girls is cute. No offence intended but I don't look at them in a way like "Wow, she's hot. She's sexy. She's everything I'm not". Lol. Jokes aside, now I recall one time when there was a butch girl sitting in front of me in tuition class and I couldn't stop stealing glances at her 'cause she's a total cutie pie ^_o Hmmm. I can't decide which side I want to be though. I'm sort of in-between. I don't use make-ups which put me out of the lipstick lesbian category. I don't have super short spiky hair thus I'm disqualified from the boi category. I'm just a regular girl with shoulder length hair, usually wears t-shirt + jeans + sneakers combo, no frilly girly dresses or sandals and skirt once in a while. I suppose anybody's gaydar will malfunction around me. The only thing that sets me apart is that I always keep my finger nails short and clean.
I see now what The L Word has done to me. And all those crazy lesbian podcasts. I learned so much. Speaking of podcasts, The Planet podcast made me laugh so hard I would've looked like a runaway schizo patient if I was listening to it when I jog. I mean, 'slap Dana until her bandages fall off and her nipples flew'? 'Then Bette pick up the nipples, threw them at Dana and they stick right in the middle of her forehead'? 'Do you want some sausage?'. LMAO! Now I have a mental image of that etched somewhere in my serebrum which could dangerously pop up out of nowhere while I'm in the middle of a class. Aaah!