Thursday, March 31
music: Postal Service - District Sleeps Alone Tonight
Our English exam paper was returned today. For such an inmature, content lacking piece of writing scribbled in within 45 minutes with non-bombastic choice of words to be graded absurdly high marks is not sensical to me. My friend read my script and questioned the quality of my essay. I'd rather not want to be the one obtaining the highest mark and becoming the subject for comparison. Some expressed that their scripts should have better grade than mine. Perhaps our teacher is practicing favouritism. I don't mind getting a zero if I knew it was going to cause conflicts u_u
The sky is not being thrifty with the rain afterall :) Approximately 3 months without a drop of rain..finally we are granted with rain that normally pours in the evening or night. The sky is clear blue and dotted with puffy clouds. I don't remember the last time the air has been not hazy.

Tuesday, March 29
Happiness Is In The Air When Exam Is Over
music: t.A.T.u. & Rammstein - Odno I To Zhe (Long Repeat Mix)
Ahh, exam shhhuccckkks! Especially when I do last minute preparation. o_^ Burning the midnight oil until 1am, getting panic by 1.30am and leaving the rest to luck the next day. Screw Chemistry. I blew it. It was the last paper and I gave up mid way. Then, I think about the
PC Fair this weekend, my outing to shoot some pictures and the coding to do for a photoblog. I love weekends! *hearts flies about in the air* ^___^
earthquake in Acheh in less than 4 months. I felt the aftershock at about 12am when I was trying in vain to absorb everything possible for my exam. When it happened, I didn't know if it was an earthquake, a hallucination or a way of my body retaliating for sitting on a stool that barely fits my ass for over 5 hours. I felt nothing when I was standing up. On the other hand, if I was sitting down, there's a slight relative motion between my butt and the stool :) I'm not sure if I should continue with my plan to take photos along the coastal road ?:/
I need to buy the More Adventurous album by
Rilo Kiley and Hot Fuss by
The Killers. Love their songs to bits ^___^ It may be harder to find the one by Rilo Kiley though. I heard Portions For Foxes in a fan made video of Shane and Marina. It's happy and pop-ish but I would say it's the lead vocalist's voice that attracted me :) I'm gonna download their earlier album.
Monday, March 21
Be Responsible, Asshole!
Fucking irks me when a person doesn't do the assigned task appropriately and being lackadaisical about it. My project partner had asked me to check for mistakes and look for repetition in the questions she had prepared. There are bounds and heaps of them. Questions which are not relevent to the topic that we are doing were included. She should be aware and responsible for all these, not me. I shouldn't be doing this in the first place. I have my own responsibility to our project and she has hers. Each one should take care of her own part. I hate it when people don't take it seriously and then they hand you crappy ass result. Fucking idiot.
Saturday, March 19
I Touched the 350D!
I went to the mall again and left my homework unattended. Bad me >.< I have a week of school break which is coming to an end. I seriously need to slap myself now for not revising and completing my homework during those 5 days. Moreover, the week after the next will be exams and the English speaking test. o.o Doooodaaaah..I hope I can prepare at the very last minute. That's what I've doing since I was 7 anyway :D
I tested the Canon 350D at the mall! Umm..more like fiddling with every button and pretending to know the way to use it. I couldn't even get the LCD to turn on *blushes* O.o That thing feels really good in my hand. It's light and the viewfinder connects well with my glasses on (to compare with the old SLR I have). Then, an old man in his 60s bought it :o I was so jealous. Hmmph...
Downloaded The Blower's Daughter by Damien Rice! I just learn that it's from the season finale. Awww..that heartbreaking episode. I'm going to play it to drown that annoying high pitch Phantom of The Opera's soundtrack playing in my sis's bedroom. *plugs fluffy earpiece*
Thursday, March 17
I'm Alergic to Baby Products
I watched
Million Dollar Baby. Damn. It's heart wrenching. Tears were trickling down my face towards the ending. It won't produce the same effect if it was Rocky lying on that bed.
My arms are covered with tiny red dots o_O Looks like burst blood cells in the vessel. It could've been the baby lotion that my friends put on me. We went to the mall for a movie, then to the department shop..babies department for that matter. They squeezed a slop of Johnson&Johnson baby lotion into my hand. We screamed and laughed that eventually got the attention of a promoter. I was so freaking scared because we just stole 2ml of their lotion. We pretended nothing had happened and walked away before someone thinks that one of us 18 year-olds is expecting a child. Eeek >.<
Friday, March 11
Brain Dead

Looks very much like my mind.
Tuesday, March 8
The Unexplained
Perhaps it's paranoia. But it's too hard for me to pass it as pure coincidence. Lately, when I hoped for something to happen, it did, on several occasions. Right at the moment when I'm on the lookout for a dSLR,
The Star In.Tech today dedicated the
centrefold to the top four entry-level dSLRs in the market ^_o It's as if to happen at the exact time when I needed it most. It's good to have some guidance and comparisons on which one to purchase.

^_____^ Currently, I'm trying to get hold of some of JB's films in DVD but to no avail. Miraculously, it's going to show on tv! So I will get to see Jennifer Beals in one of her films tomorrow night! Teeheehee. JB JB JB JB =D~ qrujhifio Oooh I don't have a damn recorder!!! o.O

And then, the CD review column in the paper featured
O by Damien Rice. Ever since I downloaded Cannonball and never stop listening to it, and hoping that his album will be recognised here, it just happened. Same goes for Jeff Buckley since I play his version of
Hallelujah continuously. Weird things occur sometimes but it seems too frequent for me.
I'm silently hoping that these will become reality too:
1. Leisha Hailey's Yoplait commercial on tv
Kinnie Starr's albums to be available here
3. The Murmurs' albums to be available here
4. Winning the tug-o-war match on Friday
5. Mom and dad pay for the 300D, as occured in my dream
I think the 2nd and 3rd might just happen because I saw a shop which is listed in the newspaper, that do import indie records. Wowie o__^
As if all of the above is not enough, there's another strange coincidence about my undecisiveness embracing Christianity. Umm well, maybe I'll blog about it later. I'm feeling lazy :>
Saturday, March 5
Mmm...Did You Notice My Drools?
I made dad bring me around town to survey the market price of Canon 300D. The cheapest goes for about $2700 :] Lovely! There are many shops that have been there for more than a decade. You can actually make very good bargain with them. I was spared the usual $5 processing fees to process my digital photos. By right, we shouldn't be charged that amount. At first sight, the shop looks old and small. Then, you see thinning hair, aged salesman in there. You may get the first impression that they don't have any digital cameras in store. When I entered, I was entertained by very friendly and helpful salesman. I rarely get that in those big modern camera shops in shopping malls. It's always those steely stares from them whenever I look at their chunky cool SLRs. Maybe I look like a teen who wants to have a digicam but can't afford one. There were many lenses on display shelves too. Plenty of stuff I've never seen, like the table-top tripod and filters. Most new camera shops never display them. Well, that's it! No more Lam Loong or Fotokem branches :P
There was nothing much to look for at the clearance sale I've mentioned. A Nikon D70 + 1GB unbranded CF was selling at $3999. Pricey! Somehow, I was thinking there will be filters and accesorries. But, nope. Some earlier digital camera models were placed in a rack, ready to be disposed of by potential buyers looking for cheap digicams. I think I saw my p&s through the corners of my eyes. It has been almost 2 years since I bought mine. I turned away immediately because I can't bear to look at the price >_<
I was dissapointed that there is no market for used dSLRs. However, it's been a great day. I feel so happy today! ^____^
Friday, March 4
Trickle Trickle, Whoosh!
Another day full of shit. Another day that keeps my mind occupied with thoughts...contemplating my existance in this world. I wish I didn't have to carry any responsibility. I wish people would understand me. I wish life was easier.

Calm flowing water. Can one's life be smooth sailing? Why must we endure hardship in life?
Thursday, March 3
It's Chromatography!
I shouldn't have named my blog
tomatography. I kept mispronuncing chromatography as tomatography to my classmates. How stupid! But they didn't hear it as tomatography...because the two sound almost the same when it comes out of my mouth. Heh o_^
There will be a clearance sale at one of the camera shops. I have to at least take a look. No, I will not stop talking about cameras and photography until I get my desired dslr. I'm hard headed. I love using short sentences these days.