Wednesday, March 29
V For Vendetta
music: Bird York - In Too Deep

Finally, they throw us a good movie to watch. There hasn't been any noteworthy movie showing at the theatre since Wallace & Gromit. Brokeback Mountain was completely banned and I think Syriana was probably too sensitive to be shown. Deprived of good films for a month, I went to watch
V For Vendetta with a few friends yesterday. It was FABULOUS. The movie touch on some political and social issues which are of our concern today and a dash of comedy in it. I was probably the only one who observed the formation of a Mexico wave during the blow-up scene where the protesters removed their Guy Fawkes masks because I cracked up all by myself. Was it just a figment of my imagination or was the scene not supposed to be funny? Nobody in the cinema laughed but me and I thought it was hilarious that they would incorporate that into the scene. That aside, I love the lesbian storyline albeit the funny feeling watching it with friends >.< Though short, it was significant because that's what spurs V to execute
the idea. Hey, why aren't there any V For Vendetta merchandise like masks, cloaks, bald head caps, replicas of Valerie's note, etc? It would be nice to have my hands on a smirking Guy Fawkes mask.
Two more months to the
World Cup! I wish I was in the midst of planning a trip to Germany with my friends instead of a budget trip to an island resort *sigh*. We might even be staying at a backpacker's inn for $6/night.
Friday, March 24
Your Wish Is My Command
music: some recorded indie music radio show
I can't wait to go to the Canon Clearance Sale tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be able to salvage a low end DSLR or at least a prosumer at dirt cheap prices. And I found a local company's website whereby I can purchase a classic
Voigtlander with a few clicks. Cool. Made some changes to my university application. It's been causing me headache the entire week but finally I thought it through and I'm doing it for the benefit of everyone. No, actually more for me so that the mocking would stop. Few years down the road, I may regret and wonder what if I had pursued my dream. Hell, that's life.
your wish is my command
Thursday, March 23
Lesson Learned
music: Explosions In The Sky - Look Into The Sky
Tuesday was fucking traumatic. The incident taught me a lesson - it's not worthwhile to risk yourself trying to be a good Samaritan. Never place your trust in a stranger. If I was ever approached by a stranger asking for help again, I will tell him/her to fuck the hell off. Motherfucker cunt-licker.
Wednesday was fucking depressing. I tried putting everything behind yet I couldn't. I wish I had beaten that motherfucker to death and watch the corpse decompose. Everyone thought I would be fine as long as I was not hurt. The fucking flashbacks hurt though.
Feeling a whole lot better today after playing with the cats in SPCA. At least the animals appreciate your attention and care unlike certain ruthless human being born with a bigger but empty brain.
Saturday, March 18
Farmer With A Degree?
music: The Duke Spirit - Cuts Across The Land
Oohlala. Miracle happened twice. Or I'm just lucky. My result was better than I anticipated. It's not a perfect 4.00 but it's good enough for me as I didn't put in much effort. Unless the 2-weeks-before-examination-day frantic preparation for all 4 subjects is counted as effort. I managed a CGPA of 3.50 but it was clearly a dissapointment to my parents. They are not happy about it. Nopers. Hoowell, not that I care. They can bash all they want about my penchant for agricultural courses. I don't see anything wrong with the agricultural sector. It's not a backward step to pursue my studies in this field. Instead of receiving their support, they are looking down on my choice, pushing me to take more sought after engineering courses. Perhaps they never notice that I hate the mainstreams.
I don't understand why people are always undermining agro-based sector. They think that farmers, fishermen, plantation owners and even agro-based professionals are at the bottom half of the society. I'm being told again and again that I will end up jobless or earn very little when I graduate in this field. They say that I will be poor like these farmers. This shows that they exhibit signs of shallow thinking. It isn't all about making money for yourself. It's also about making money for these poor people and the country. Agricultural scientists and engineers step in to improve on crops and poultry production, preparation, preservation, distribution, sustaining food supply etc. This industry is growing. The population is increasing. We need food everyday. So, shut the hell up and do some processing in your brain first.
Mom. Dad. It's true. My first car will be a tractor when I make some money. My first property is a 10 acres land for palm oil plantation. My first significant others is a lesbian cow that will produce milk for me daily.
Wednesday, March 15
My First Day At SPCA
music: Antony & The Johnsons - Fistful of Love
38 dogs, 20 cats. They are all waiting to be adopted from the SPCA. It makes a big difference when one is adopted. For each cat or dog that is adopted, one is saved from being put to sleep. It's disheartening to hear that they once received 17 puppies and they had no choice but to put half of them to sleep.
I came home today from the SPCA reeking of dog smell. My white shorts had turned into one with brownish paw prints. I looked like I don't shave my legs with so much dog fur sticking there. I immediately ran into the bathroom to clean up before mom saw me. I guess I have to start doing my own laundry from now on :> Initially, I was going to volunteer to help out at the cat shed. But cats are such contented creatures that they told me there's nothing for me to do there. On the other hand, the dogs are an aggresive bunch that I have to keep watch to prevent them from getting into fights. I hope they'll let me take care of cats tomorrow. They look super duper cute with the cat paws printed collar ^.^ I pet them once and they kept coming for more. When I pay too much attention to one cat, the others get jealous and try to snuggle up to me. Lol. Such adorable creatures.. I wanna pinch their cheeks.
So, I'm supposed to be at school tomorrow morning to take my results but I'm afraid of meeting with my classmates who may fare better than me. For sure, my results will be nothing to be proud of. I have no doubt that mom will come along and I just can't stand to be compared by her again. Nah uh. I would rather be at the SPCA. Anyway, I can always get my results in the afternoon. Yeah. I'm such a loser. Bleurhh...
Sunday, March 12
music: Figurines - The Wonder
Pooh. I was nagged for spending far too long post-editing photos on my computer. Okay... so, I sat here almost half a day fiddling with the curves tool and shit. I'm bored, scared and obviously, I'm trying to escape reality. Because results are coming out next week. Grrrgh! I'd be screwed if I can't get that Agricultural Engineering course! Seriously, I have no interest in other courses. I'm gonna graduate and become an engineer in a moo moo farm supervising the milking machinery.
After I had a swim the day before, I dreamt of being in a huge swimming pool with Charlize Theron. Mmmhmmm. If only it was like the skinny-dipping Shane scene from Season 1 of TLW. But it didn't happen that way. I stood up and realized that the water was only knee deep. For some dumb reasons, I walked away from Charlize but before that, my leg managed to graze against her arm and it felt soooooo smooth. I was looking at her from a higher angle and whoa, behold! An enticing view of the top of her firm boobies. Yay! Somehow, I just want to walk to another area of the pool which used to have rapids and whirpools but now is all dried up. While I was cursing about the disgusting state of maintenance, suddenly, I was confronted with three hairy-chested men in ugly palm trees printed shorts. Uggh! Thank goodness my dream stopped right there. And I blame that fucking guy that Tina fucked! Imagine the sort of wet dream I would've had if it was Helena in her black swimsuit, Alice naked and Lara in her cute tank-top with nothing else waist down :D~
Oh, mom and sis will be at home most of the time next week. I don't know how I'm gonna sneak around to watch The L Word.
Saturday, March 11
music: ELLEGARDEN - Missing
I took a swim yesterday. The weather is awfully hot lately. There was a kid in the kiddy pool and his grandmother was seated nearby, guarding him. Even though he was just playing by himself, he was full of laughter and oblivious to the surrounding. I was once like that. I used to not care about small little things. I used to be not offended easily. I used to have a fun relationship with dad. How I wish to experience that sort of freewheeling spirit again. But everything has changed. I grew up and I need to take responsibility for every action. I get questioned everytime for everything I do. Then, I stopped trying to communicate with adults. They don't see things my way nor do they ever try to understand. Why do they always think that they are right? I am confused. I am easily hurt. This should end now, considering that I'm entering adulthood. Yet, it doesn't. I'm beginning to hate the way the adults treat me. I'm no longer a child. I want to do things my way. But they are constantly there, judging every move and decision I make. Being around friends make me feel so good that I can't wait to leave for university. I can't stand being around my parents anymore. They are only causing me more hurt than giving me love. Why won't they try to understand me instead of continuously comparing and making judgements about me? This transition to adulthood is difficult.
Friday, March 10
Tina, Universita & Leica
Eww! Eww! Eww! Tina had sex with a man on the
first second day they met and fucking enjoyed it.
It's been a depressing season, I must say. Break-ups, cheating, conflicts, sexual harassment, crazy hormone induced behaviour, 45 minutes of Betty. Kit, the sole hetero character in the show, is the only one living a happy life. Talk about equality.
Less than 15 days to make a life changing decision. I'm torn between two choices that I have to make for my degree course. Three fucking years and I still can't make up my mind. God dammit! This is the complexity with the human mind and emotion that we have to deal with at some point. If I were to follow my heart, I'm going for Agricultural Science. If I were to follow my common sense, then my options are engineering or Computer Science. Both courses are two different worlds altogether, yet somehow... I manage to put them together. As much as I would like to envision myself doing field work and research at farm estates, my options are limited because I dropped Biology in A-Level. But I love working with nature, not in some steely looking factories or environmentally polluting chemical plants. So, there's my inner conflict. What I can do oppose with what I love to do.
Would be fabulous if I could do double major in engineering and life sciences.
Ugh. Fuck it. Bachelor of Engineering in Agriculture & Biosystem sounds just as good.
Photo from DPReviewI am getting multiple orgasms by looking at the
Panasonic DMC-L1. This is a fucking sexy retro DSLR. Leica lens with an aperture and focus ring, and a dial specifically for shutter speed. That's like, what you will find on an analogue SLR built in the 60s or 70s. I believe it's also the first camera to be able to support the upcoming super-high-capacity SD Memory Cards. Mmmmmm.... I want one.
Friday, March 3
Gone Shopping After A Job Interview
music: Rammstein - Wo bist du
This is the best freaking pair of
earphones I've ever had in my life! It's unbelievably comfortable and fitting and it cost me a fucking $100! Silicon buds are so sexy.
I went for a damn job interview yesterday. I thought they wanted a data entry worker as advertised in the newspaper. The moment I introduced myself and told the interviewer about my background, he began to explain the mandatory 1 month training which consists of communication, HR and data entry management courses. WTF? I'm not interviewing for a fucking secretary job. Anyhow, I'm confident that that was the last time I step into the company considering that I eventually screwed up the interview.